Saturday, July 26, 2008


I have been writing lately, mostly working on Sasha's story (current working title 'Village Witch') but am back to another edit of AfterQuest based on some great feedback (retired English teachers make good beta readers!).

Another distraction cropped up last week in the form of 'Dr. Horribles Sing-A-Long Blog', a internet musical that was released in three parts. I watched it at least five times on the free feed, then settled down to wait for the DVD release. Couldn't wait for more than a day. I had to sign up for iTunes and download it. Still waiting for the soundtrack and the DVD and I'll buy anything this team of writers and songwriters come up with in the future.

Fortunately, I can now listen to it while editing on the other screen (thanks to my husband for splitting my computer into three montior/keyboard/mouse combinations so I can multi-task even more than before!).

Official website: